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How Good Is Apple Service In India? Reality Check!

If you are here reading this it means your beloved Apple product is due for service however, reviews of some people getting ripped off with the expensive repairs are stopping you! If you are experiencing the above things, then you are in the right spot.

In this article, here’s my Apple service experience in Dehradun, India! So how good or bad was my Apple service in India? Find out now!

Before starting, I would like to update you that this is not a sponsored article nor being paid to write this. What you are going to read is my experience and you can have a hint of how your Apple service experience is going to be.

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So that being said, welcome to PadhKeDekho, and let’s get going!

Apple Service Experience In Dehradun (India)

You must have heard or experienced that iPhones usually live a long life. In this context, I have been using iPhone 7 for 4+ years now. Due to the lithium-ion battery, the battery percentage of the iPhone dropped below 80 percent and a battery service reminder started to come. This was to time to check Apple Service In India!

Just like you, so many things come to my mind; maybe I should buy a new phone, get it repaired from Apple or if not locally, etc. Went to Google and searched for the iPhone 7 battery cost in India and guess what got no fixed price, as was expected.

As a concerned owner, I called Radius which is an Authorized Apple service in India center in Dehradun. A lady picked up and I explained the issue of replacing the battery of the iPhone 7.

She put me on hold and said we have it in stock, and if you say I can give you an appointment for today or tomorrow for it. With a cracking voice, I asked “How much will it cost?” She said 3500 Rupees (48 US Dollars approx) including GST and labor.

And that was a relief, you must be thinking why. On Google, I got the expected price of around 8K (82 US Dollars) in a few reviews and that was just for the battery not even GST included.

I booked the appointment for the next day afternoon at 3 PM. In the last, she said to make a backup of data of your iPhone before coming.

My Rendezvous With Authorized Apple Service In India

Since the area was new to me, I called them for a location. She explained the route by giving me references to the local landmarks which helped a lot in letting me reach in time.

After a formal greeting, she checked my phone and pointed out a few scratches before giving it for servicing. Maybe to be sure that I don’t claim for those scratches. She asked me to turn off Find My iPhone.

On a piece of paper, she asked me to write down the passcode. So that in case of a restart, the phone will require the passcode. It was not an issue as I knew I was going to change it anyway.

She also asked, “Have you made a backup of the data?”. I said yes, and she said the process would take around 45 minutes so be comfortable and we will call your name.

I requested her, to clean my phone and sanitize it as I was concerned about my phone getting into multiple hands. She said no problem. She handed over the sim card that I put in my secondary phone.

How Is Radius Service Center – Authorised Apple Service In India

Now it was time to get comfortable. There were ample and empty seats, however, the central air conditioners were off. I can understand it was under the government’s guidelines so I respect that. Due to this, it was humid and hot.

The place was beautiful, unfortunately, I had a feature phone with me so could not capture it. Please try to imagine. Thanks! The complete center was painted white and had a beautiful ceiling. On the left side, they had big window glasses for light but nothing in terms of ventilation (other than the ACs that were off). Maybe they should think about it?

Since there was nothing much to do I sat down and listened to people coming in for other repairs. There came a guy with an iPhone XR (yup I have very sharp eyes!) who wanted to replace the broken screen. The service team quoted 12000 Rs (144$ US) for repairs. Then came a lady with an iPhone 8 with a defective speaker. The cost of the repair was 5000 RS (60$ US).

Keeping in mind the actual price of the devices, I think the repair cost was somewhat acceptable.

Receiving My iPhone After Service

At 3:50 Pm (after 50 mins) she called my name and handed over my iPhone. I inspected and everything was fine. They did clean the charging port and the speaker grill as I asked for it. Secondly, the phone was sanitized as I could smell and feel it. And they didn’t charge for the cleaning!

Before making the payment, I went straight to the battery percentage section in the Settings and it was at 100 percent. Which means the put-in was a new one. I can’t express how relieved I was afterward.

Now for a weird part. Apple service center quoted me 3500 rupees including GST and I made the payment. After 15 mins she handed over to me the invoice and a copy of the job sheet along with ₹200 note! I was like what!!

Apple Service Experience In India

I checked the job sheet and they deducted 200 Rupees from the final price. Which was so cool! I was not expecting this AT ALL.

Radius Service Center Review Dehradun

Also, she told me that I would receive a feedback Email in a couple of days. Which I got on the very same day!

Apple Service Feedback

So What’s The Take From This?

Do not rely on or trust the reviews on social platforms. Some people tend to exaggerate the cost for some reasons. Trust me, I was trying my best to avoid Apple Service due to the bad/horror stories.

However, my Apple service experience has been great. I cannot say about the MacBook or iMac repairs as I never had an experience with them. But with the iPhone, I can say things are not as bad as they are represented in the reviews.

So, without thinking about the horror stories or getting robbed reviews, give the Apple service center a call and explain your issue. Things will be good!

How was been your Apple Service In India experience? Do let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading guys! If you have any queries or feedback regarding Apple Service In India then do comment below or reach us out on PadhKeDekho’s social allows below. We would love to help!

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